Introduction of the headquarters of Renshinkan
拳学拳行の聖地 拳士ヶ丘
少林寺流空手道錬心舘 総本山の開山です。
Kenshi-ga-oka(Mecca of Renshinkan)
In 1964, a monument called "Kenshi-no-to", Tower of Karate practitioners, was built on the top of a small mountain in Ijuin-cho, Hioki City, Kagoshima Prefecture. It was the opening of the headquarters of the Shorinjiryu Karate-do Association Renshinkan. The mountain is called "Kenshi-ga-oka", and many students learned and practiced the ideal of "human development through Karate-do", which is the style philosophy of Shorinjiryu Karate-do, by honing their skills and training their minds in the wilderness of the deep mountain valley.
There is a stately Dojo, a training hall, called “Bugakusha” near Sohonzan now.
Bugakusha is also the facility where the current Soke Tamotsu Yuzo gives lectures about the authentic Budo spirit of mind-body unity and trainings to Shihan/instructors and students from home and abroad
At the top of the mountain, there is a shrine called “Hakuryu-do” to honor the founder Tamotsu Isamu, and alongside this Hakuryu-do there’s a tower called "Kenshi-no-to" to represent the guardian of Shorinjiryu Renshinkan Karate-do and its Karate-do pursuers.
In 2007 “Seiryu-juku”, the trainee accommodation facility, was completed. The area around Bugakusha and Seiryu-juku was planted with flowering trees such as Japanese cherry blossoms and plums, where you can feel the atmosphere of the four seasons of the nature in the silence, which is surely one of the charms of the headquarters of Renshinkan.
Facilities of the headquarters
屋根頂上、天に向かって釵(サイ)がそびえ、その釵を伝って白龍が昇龍する。白龍に化身された開祖の御霊が祀られています。これにより錬心舘門下生の心の拠り所として総本山が名実共に聖地となりました。白龍堂の四隅は四天王により守られています。四天王とは戦勝の神(邪気を祓う)東 – 持国天 (国を支える神)南 – 増長天(幼き者を成長させる神)北 – 多聞天(人として道を説く学びの神)西 – 広目天(洞察し広く観ている神)
Hakuryu-do: (White-dragon-hall)
The White-dragon ascends along the “Sai”, a Japanese-traditional-ornamental-hairpin shaped, rooftop of Hakuryu-do, where the founder’s sprit incarnated as the white dragon and is enshrined here in this Hakuryu-do. Thus Sohonzan has become literally the sacred place where our hearts rest.
The four corners of Hakuryu-do are guarded by the Four Heavenly Kings who are the gods of victory (expelling evil spirits): East (Jikokuten, God of maintaining the nation), South (Zochoten, God of bringing up the young), Northbr
(Tamonten, God of Learning who preaches the way as a human), West (Kohmokuten, God of insight and seeing broadly).
The statue of the late founder Tamotsu Isamu was built in front of Bugakusha so that he could command the view of the blue skies of his seaside hometown in Amami. Its majestic appearance seems to warmly welcome the students who visit headquarters.
Beside the statue, there is a stone monument with his last words, "Even if the day would come when the sun sets on my time, it never sets on my style."
This statue was built by the founder to remember martial artists who had ever devoted themselves to mastering the Karate-do, and to honor their achievements for the society during their lives. Located to the left of the Hakuryu-do, the statue watches over current practitioners and world peace from the headquarters along with the spirit of the founder.
Kenshi-no-toh: (Tower of Karate practitioners)
This statue was built by the founder to remember martial artists who had ever devoted themselves to
mastering the Karate-do, and to honor their achievements for the society during their lives. Located to
the left of the Hakuryu-do, the statue watches over current practitioners and world peace from the
headquarters along with the spirit of the founder.
研修道場 武学舎Bugakusha-dojo(Training Hall)
- 鹿児島県日置市伊集院町下谷口4563番地
- TEL:099-272-7231
- FAX:099-272-7234
- 4563 Shimotaniguchi Ijyuin-cho Hioki City Kagoshima Japan
- telephone +81-99-272 7231
- Faximile +81-99-272-7234